Kindergarten through 8th Grades and Child Care
Visitors are always welcome to our school. If there’s anything you’d like to know about our programs and curriculum, please get in touch.

2025-2026 Tuition and Fees
6465 Mayport St, Englewood, FL 34224, USA
Scholarships are accepted from:
12 Monthly Payments 10 Monthly Payments
Kindergarten thru (June-May) (August-May)
Grades 1-3 $8,300.00* $750.00/month $900.00/month
Grades 4-8 $7,900.00* $716.66/month $860.00/month
*One Time Payment in Full (includes a 5 percent discount)
Student Enrollment Fee: $200.00
Book and Curriculum Fee: $500.00
These fees cover curriculum, workbooks, textbooks, and supplemental instructional materials. It also covers a school shirt and general P.E. equipment.
Step Up For Students scholarships are accepted. You can apply by going to their website at: If the scholarship program does not cover the total tuition, you will be responsible for the difference.
Board Scholarship Program: Board Scholarships will be made available to families who do not qualify for the full tuition amount from Florida Step-Up scholarship. Application packet will be available upon request.
Before/After School Child Care:
If you are in need of before/after care, applications are available through Redeemer Lutheran Child Care. Tuition rates will be provided upon request.
*Tuition does not include Annual Non-Refundable Application fee of $100 per student
*One-Time self-pay payment includes a 5% discount.